

So - New Years is my favorite ever. That first breath of a clean slate always feels SO GOOD - even if the year before was lovely! Which, 2011 totally was. 'Swonderful, if you will.

okay anyway.

So, I made a list of resol... NO, GOALS for the year 2012.
I've already written these down in my journal, but I like the thrill of someone reading this, then asking me "Hey, Kathleen - are you REALLY brushing your teeth more than 2x a day? Or did that only last till Jan 2?" Accountability, people. It works.

(When I say 'people', I really mean the people that I've made up in my head that enjoy how much I ramble. Its still unclear if those people are real. Hi Griffin.)

1) - Take care of my skin. I will never go to bed with makeup on unless I may die on the way from the bed to the bathroom - in which case, forget the makeup, and get me to a hospital.

2) - Brush my teeth MORE than 2x a day. I'm afraid of cavities in my old age.

3) - Read before bed. It can be any sort of reading that isn't on my computer screen.

4) - Think about reading the bible alllllll the way through... I haven't committed to this one yet... MAYBE if its The Message. And I skip 'Numbers'.

5) - Play my guitar in front of a crowd - It doesn't matter when it happens, as long as it happens before Dec. 31.

6) - Play my keyboard in front of a crowd. Same rules apply as my guitar.

7) - Write a real, true blue song. Finish it, let people hear it, don't keep changing the lyrics, don't be embarrassed of it, don't turn bright red when someone says they hate it/love it/wanna buy it/wanna burn it - and attempt to do this more than once. No specific number, but ONE is the minimum

8) - Apply to at least 3 grad schools. Wait till 2013 to FULLY make a final decision on where I'm moving.

9) - Make stuff. Lots of stuff. Don't care what stuff - just gotta keep the inspiration alive.

10) - Get out of my own way. (this will carry on for many years to come... it has to. Or I will never be truly living.)

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