
Thats when i'll know.

I believe the one I'm supposed to be with is out there.
And when he finds me, and I find him, it won't be hard.
I won't have to convince him to love me. He just.... will.
We will fall into the relationship perfectly. (well almost perfectly.)
No drama. People will be happy for us.

He won't have a fresh ex...
Because he respects her enough to take
some time in between for them both to heal.
So I won't feel like I'm stomping on her.
Cause it will have been awhile.
And he won't have a tangled mess of other girls...
Cause he is a great guy.
Not a player. Not a Liar.

I'll tell him my story, and he won't think I'm a cry baby.
He'll know my hurt was real, and its part of who I am.
And he'll tell me his story. And I'll fall in love
with how he wants so much to be a better person.
And I'll know he's telling me his genuine desires.
And I won't be falling for some cheap song lyric pick up line.
Cause this one doesn't need pick up lines.
Cause this guy is the real deal.
When he holds my hand...
it won't be just because he's lonely.

It will be because he can't stand to not hold it.

And I'll trust him. And he'll trust me.
And I'll know he'll never lie to me.
But most of all... I'll know he'll never lie to himself.
And we'll take it slow... as slow as Christmas.
Cause he's not in it for the make-out sessions.

He'll tell me I'm so special.
And I'll have a hard time believing it at first.

Because I've been told that before,
and it was a bold face lie.

But once he convinces me that I've changed his life,
And I KNOW he really means it...
That is when I'll know.

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