Its times like this you wish punching people was an appropriate pastime.
Times when people say rude things online [DUMB] about something you hold so near & dear to your heart, but KNOWING retaliating would be just as tacky, times when you find out about 34423434 more lies you wholeheartedly believed, times you're still up at 1:30am when you know you have to be back up at 7am, times you wish you could put a sweet friend in a do-the-right-thing coma so you don't have to see them hurt, times when you're hungry and you're out of WW POINTS for the day, times when everyone is breaking up or getting married, times when you have been exposed to scabies but you won't ACTUALLY know if you have them until 21 days from now when they HATCH buhhhhhh, [LONG STORY, maybe I'll explain later] times when your living room is freezing but your bedroom is Africa, times your BFF just moved 35 hours&39min/2403.5mi away, or times when you can't sleep and there are no more Parenthood episodes on Hulu.
These are those times. BUT -
“I am not afraid of tomorrow,
for I have seen yesterday,
and I love today.”
- William Allen White
I will conquer this 'Negative Nancy' spirit by quietly dancing to the new Sia album I downloaded illegally. See? already beating the system.