

read a lot more books like maybe the bazillion ive started & never finished and never ever ever stop listening to music and paint with you next Monday and watch Schindler's list cause I'm currently obsessed with the Holocaust and dream about Mads Europe tour and become a better actress and go salsa dancing and love more people and maybe make eye contact with you for the first time in months if i feel like it and you happen to be around and dance on the first snow day and play my guitar too loud and practice my spelling skills and get better at dadgum sub-divisions in conducting and tell dumb MrArualTheoryTeacher he's dumb and perform a paramore song and teach someone to blow a bubble and pet a penguin and have a picnic even though its getting colder and maybe i'll even wear my snuggie and eat a whole meal in the caf that i actually enjoy and see my cat and maybe call you since we haven't really talked in like, a year and figure you out and maybe go to target and for once not buy something and do my laundry just cause i feel like it and meet the cast of glee and cook for you and learn to stop eating every carb in sight and kissssssss yoooooou and to keep working on my confidence and never stop collecting cheesy inspirational quotes and dress up like a cave woman for halloween and keep loving SGA and make sure to wash my face every single night ever and always be genuine and honest and up front and maybe lose ten pounds maybe more when i start training for this marathon i say i'm gonna run and learn to sew and/or knit and start letting people read my lyrics i dont have music for yet and write more and dance more and care about others more
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand just be myself. And never make any sense.

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