
this made me cry like a little Chinese baby

I feel so called to adopt when I'm older.
Maybe after one child of my own, maybe before...?
Maybe foster parenting, or maybe I just feel called to work in an orphanage?
I'm not sure what this pull is, but I feel it so strongly.
Its something I've felt since I was a senior in High school... 

Thanks christmas break, for peaceful, meaningful moments like this.


  1. I did a presentation on adoption in a class. It's so expensive, which is sad :(

  2. I definitely feel like I have a special heart that is meant to serve in an orphanage and/or adopt, work with foster children, etc. I studied Human Development/Family Studies at Alabama for that reason. I focused on Child Development and Developmental Disorders because I want to adopt a baby with Down syndrome one day. I love that I sat here and have read ( AND BEEN TOTALLY INSPIRED THE WHOLE TIME ) by all that you've had to say... I just love reading your thoughts, and I just felt like I should say something (even though I'm reading back a few weeks - I'm hooked! haha)


  3. Baily - you're sweet. I forget so often that people can read this... haha. I just write what I'm feeling for the moment, so most times it doesn't make a lot of sense to anyone but me... sorry. :) but thanks so much for your sweet words. I know exactly how you feel. -Kathleen
