
True Love Waits, right?

Ahhh... welcome to autumn/winter... 
the time of year when my fingers shrink, and the puns about my virginity are abounding.

I wear a 'True Love Waits' ring on my left finger at all times, to remind myself daily that my choice of remaining a virgin until I'm married is really important to me. (It has a flower on it. I awkwardly tell anyone who asks that its a ring for when I get de-flowered... I think I'm funny sometimes, sorry.) I'm 22, and most (not all) people would assume that a girl my age is ready & just waiting for the opportunity...but not me. I know when my right opportunity is, and I'll give him my ring on our wedding day. I've had this specific one since I was 15, and while its been difficult at times to take my promise seriously, I'm thankful I can see it on my left hand every day.

given... I'm currently single. Promising not to have sex with your non-existing boyfriend is an easy promise to keep ;) Call me later when I actually love some one & I'll let you know how difficult it is then. And if you've done it before... I'm 98% more jealous than I am judgmental, pinky swear. I'm just doing whats best for ME.

The reason I'm bringing all this up - every year around this time, a funny thing happens.

I wave to a friend in the cafeteria... my ring flies off & lands in my neighbor's macaroni. I lick it clean (sorry, its true) and put it back on, as everyone around makes jokes about how I'm destined to have sex in a vat of mac&cheese. Romantic, right?

I got my first purity ring when I was 14, but the ocean's undertow sucked it right off my hand... We were young, but we still managed to make plenty of sex on the beach jokes. 

I raise my hand in class, it flies off into oblivion and we spend the next 7 minutes as a group looking for my virginity on the speckled carpet floor.

I shake Todd's hand in chapel, it comes off in his grasp and everyone around can clearly see that Todd is my future husband. Destiny, duh.

One time I was shopping for antique buttons at a vintage store in town, and on the way home I realized my ring wasn't on my finger. I drove back to all 3 salvation armies before finding the ring at the bottom of a basket of 249756249562 buttons... and cried when I put it back on. It was a miracle I didn't loose then too.

In high school, this guy David snatched it off my hand, and wouldn't give it back till 4th block. I wasn't even dating him. Rude.  

I can't get it re-sized, because then it will be too small in the summer. 
I can't take it off... I feel naked without it. (heheh... naked... get it?)

So. Until I'm wedded in holy matrimony... I apologize in advance if my purity every falls into your chicken tetrazzini. - Kathleen


  1. haha, i loved this post.
    partly because it made me giggle, and partly because i'm glad SOMEONE out there still takes their virginity seriously.
    i waited, and it was WORTH IT.
    i promise.

  2. I loved this post also... and it gives me hope. I want my daughter to wear a purity ring and while I won't judge her if she goes against it, I just wish for her to wait. I wish I had waited, every single day of my life. I married the love of my life but I wasn't a virgin and I always think how I wish I hadn't gave my body to anyone else but him, because I love him so much.
