
[this is a paragraph about my passions]

I don't think I can ever be okay with
considering myself to be 'one thing'.

"Hi, I'm Kathleen... and I'm a singer"


It has to be "Hi, I'm Kathleen...
and I'm a thinker, a laugher, a silly dancer, a joke teller, a bike rider, an ice cream eater, a christian, a singer, a songwriter, a song-singer, a song-listener, a girlfriend, a best friend, a painter, a writer, a twenty-something, a crafter, a GIRL, no, a WOMAN, a want-to-be-mother, a dreamer, a giggler, a missionary, a story teller, a reader, a movie-watcher, a cook, a future wife, a facebooker, a conversationalist, a music therapist, a teacher, a talker, a creator, a list-maker, a condiment enthusiast, a witness, a day brightener, a radio-a-holic, a traveler, a guitar player, a texter, an entrepreneur, an obsessive journal collector, a crier, a blogger, a WHAT.EV.ER.

I don't fit in a box. You don't fit in a box.

we should probably throw out ALL boxes, just to be safe.


  1. boxes suck. keep that list going ;)

  2. Really good idea about the boxes. Thank you! And love the list. Keep it going, for sure.

    I hope you entered my giveaway.
    I'm not sure if you did or not, but it's over on my blog!
